• Emergency :

    0484-290 5100

  • Appointments :

    0484-290 5111, 718 4111

  • Enquiry :

    0484-290 5000, 718 4000

Infectious Diseases

The Department of Infectious diseases provides evidence based comprehensive care for managing infections ranging from specific infections in post transplant & immunosuppressed patients, complicated bacterial, viral, parasitic & fungal infections, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, HIV, sepsis, tropical infections like dengue, leptospirosis etc thereby acting as solution for undiagnosed fevers. The department is committed to deliver prudent advice on adult vaccinations and prophylaxis and immunizations before national & international travel.

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We also ensure the judicious use of antibiotics within the hospital & on outpatient basis, thus implementing antibiotic stewardship to its core. We are also a part of the infection control activities at Rajagiri hospital along with provision of necessary training for the same.

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