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Laboratory Services

The biochemistry laboratory at Rajagiri Hospital is well equipped to perform a wide assay of tests for renal, liver, cardiac, respiratory functions to highly specialised tests for hormones, tumour markers, vitamins and therapeutic drug monitoring to aid clinicians in the diagnosis and management of various medical conditions. Analyses of biochemical constituents are conducted in blood, urine and other body fluids.

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  • Routine Biochemical Profiles (Including Renal/ Liver/ Lipid/ Electrolyte/ Cardiac/ Anaemia/ Blood Gas Panels)
  • Specific Proteins
  • Hormones
  • Prenatal screening
  • Protein electrophoresis and free light chains
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and drug of abuse screening
  • Vitamins
  • Tumour Markers

The Department of Laboratory Medicine at Rajagiri Hospital offers comprehensive diagnostic services with sub-specialties including Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Histopathology & Cytopathology, Microbiology, Flow cytometry and Molecular biology. All the departments are accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (as per ISO 15189 standards, NABL) for maintaining the highest quality standards in healthcare delivery. The Laboratories are equipped with the state of the art equipments and are manned by a team of highly dedicated, skilled and experienced personnel including speciality consultants who are fully committed to maintaining the accuracy of reporting. Postgraduate training (DNB) in pathology is also being rendered.

Regular quality control testing is done in all departments as per documented global quality control protocols to ensure precision and prompt reporting to our patients thereby aiding the clinicians in patient management. To keep the analytical process of the department quality at par with recommended international benchmarks, the department regularly participates in proficiency testing.


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Histopathology & Cytopathology

The histopathology section of the laboratory provides services for routine and specialized processing of all surgical and cytological specimens. Immunohistochemical techniques are performed with automated systems, using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues, resulting in an identification of a wide range of intracellular antigens, analysis of hormone receptors, oncogenes, and assessment of predictive and prognostic markers of tumors.
The technical staff has been well trained for tissue conservation practices, delivering good quality sections, complimenting H & E with special stains.

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The rapid intra-operative diagnosis and margin assessment is provided in-house by frozen section.
The cytopathology section receives body fluids, FNAC material, and exfoliative cytology, including gynaecological smears. The department uses liquid based cytology and cell block preparation for optimizing the diagnostic yield and aid in ancillary techniques. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is performed in the laboratory on superficial and palpable swellings. Image-guided cytological aspirates of deep-seated lesions as well as Pap smears are also processed. The rapid onsite screening is performed by pathologist during required guided procedures.
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has evolved and expanded its use in pathology from diagnosis and classification, to predictive and prognostic utility. Our laboratory provides a wide range of these markers.
Regular clinicopathological meetings and tumour board discussions are conducted by our team of expert pathologists with the clinicians to ensure quality patient care.  Postgraduate training (DNB) in pathology is also being rendered.

Services offered

  • Routine surgical biopsies including oncopathology
  • Frozen section service
  • Specialised biopsies (e.g. bone marrow trephine biopsies, lymph node biopsies gastrointestinal biopsies, neuropathology, dermatopathology,  liver biopsies)
  • Immunofluorescence studies
  • Histo chemical stains & Immunohistochemistry
  • Fine needle aspiration cytology
  • Fluid cytology with cell block
  • Liquid based cytology

Haematology & Clinical Pathology

The Haematology lab at Rajagiri Hospital is well equipped with state of art automated equipments and has systems in place to diagnose various haematological conditions
Clinical pathology department is equipped with fully automated urinalyser and handles urine and body fluid testing.

Services offered

  • General haematology, including blood film morphology
  • Coagulation studies
  • Bone marrow studies
  • Cytochemical stain: MPO, PAS, NSE, Iron stain
  • Osmotic fragility, Sickling test
  • Lupus anticoagulant studies
  • Urine and body fluid testing
  • Semen analysis


The Department of Laboratory Medicine at Rajagiri Hospital offers comprehensive diagnostic services with sub-specialties including Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Histopathology & Cytopathology, Microbiology, Flow cytometry and Molecular biology. All the departments are accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (as per ISO 15189 standards, NABL) for maintaining the highest quality standards in healthcare delivery. The Laboratories are equipped with the state of the art equipments and are manned by a team of highly dedicated, skilled and experienced personnel including speciality consultants who are fully committed to maintaining the accuracy of reporting. Postgraduate training (DNB) in pathology is also being rendered.

Regular quality control testing is done in all departments as per documented global quality control protocols to ensure precision and prompt reporting to our patients thereby aiding the clinicians in patient management. To keep the analytical process of the department quality at par with recommended international benchmarks, the department regularly participates in proficiency testing.



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Advanced Flow cytometry Immunophenotyping facility in the Department of Laboratory Services is committed to offer high quality and cost effective multiparameter clinical flow cytometry assays to aid in the diagnosis of hematological and immunological disorders including Minimal Residual disease monitoring. Our state of the art facility is equipped with  Beckman Coulter DxFLEX flow cytometer (IVD approved) , with 15 parameters (3 laser 13 colours).

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Services offered

  • Comprehensive leukemia panel
  • Comprehensive lymphoma panel
  • Multiple myeloma panel
  • CD34 stem cell enumeration
  • Lymphocyte subset analysis
  • Dihydrorhodamine flow cytometry test
  • AML/ALL Minimal Residual disease monitoring
  • Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) testing
  • Sepsis Immuno panel
  • Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) screen panel
  • Eosin-5-malemide (EMA) binding test

The Department of Laboratory Medicine at Rajagiri Hospital offers comprehensive diagnostic services with sub-specialties including Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Histopathology & Cytopathology, Microbiology, Flow cytometry and Molecular biology. All the departments are accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (as per ISO 15189 standards, NABL) for maintaining the highest quality standards in healthcare delivery. The Laboratories are equipped with the state of the art equipments and are manned by a team of highly dedicated, skilled and experienced personnel including speciality consultants who are fully committed to maintaining the accuracy of reporting. Postgraduate training (DNB) in pathology is also being rendered.

Regular quality control testing is done in all departments as per documented global quality control protocols to ensure precision and prompt reporting to our patients thereby aiding the clinicians in patient management. To keep the analytical process of the department quality at par with recommended international benchmarks, the department regularly participates in proficiency testing.


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Microbiology section in Rajagiri Hospital is a dedicated service to provide timely and accurate results and reports of routine cultures, infectious serology, immunology and autoimmune work up. Our Clinical microbiologists serve as consultants for physicians, providing identification of infectious agents and suggesting treatment options. Our microbiology laboratory facilities mainly include automated blood culture system, automated microbial identification and sensitivity system, automated and semi-automated infectious serology and immunology systems, immunofluorescence microscopy. It works hand-in-hand with infection prevention and antibiotic stewardship programmes in our hospital.

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The microbiology laboratory employs world-class technology and standards for precise, accurate and rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases. It has a team of excellent and expert staff that support its functioning as a full-service microbiology lab which offers diagnostic services in the following areas.

Services offered

  • Bacteriology
  • Infectious serology
  • Immunology
  • Mycobacteriology
  • Mycology

The Department of Laboratory Medicine at Rajagiri Hospital offers comprehensive diagnostic services with sub-specialties including Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Histopathology & Cytopathology, Microbiology, Flow cytometry and Molecular biology. All the departments are accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (as per ISO 15189 standards, NABL) for maintaining the highest quality standards in healthcare delivery. The Laboratories are equipped with the state of the art equipments and are manned by a team of highly dedicated, skilled and experienced personnel including speciality consultants who are fully committed to maintaining the accuracy of reporting. Postgraduate training (DNB) in pathology is also being rendered.

Regular quality control testing is done in all departments as per documented global quality control protocols to ensure precision and prompt reporting to our patients thereby aiding the clinicians in patient management. To keep the analytical process of the department quality at par with recommended international benchmarks, the department regularly participates in proficiency testing.


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The molecular biology lab specializes in virology, bacteriology and mycobacteriology testing providing comprehensive real time PCR based diagnostics for a range of infections.

Services offered

  • Open PCR for diagnosis of Infectious diseases
  • CBNAAT  
  • Biofire Film array

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